2013, was the 70th anniversary of Anne Frank’s Diary. To mark the occasion, the Trust's '13 in 13 Campaign' competition asked 13 year olds to write in and tell (then) Prime Minister, David Cameron, how they would change the world. A school full of Prime Ministers was sure to grab attention.
• Over 2,739,023 tweets or retweets
• 1000s of YouTube views
• Over 1,300 13 year olds wrote to the Prime Minister - far exceeding the Trust's expectations
• National press coverage
"This single campaign gained more high-level exposure than anything we have ever done before."
- Gillian Walnes, co-founder of The Anne Frank Trust
Shortlisted and a finalist for both the DMA Awards and the CIM Marketing Excellence Awards 2013.

Anne Frank Trust - 13 in 13 Campaign from Rob Hainsworth on Vimeo.
Press Release

Creative/Copywriter - Rob Hainsworth
Creative/Art Director - Michelle Pegg