Harry’s Bedroom
When we discovered we were having a baby, I* decided to change my office into a nursery.
As a child, one of my favourite books was by Richard Scarry. Dad would read it to me every night.
I wanted to pass on that moment of joy to our child...
*My wife

Imogen’s Bedroom
One weekend, I also painted our eldest niece’s bedroom...

Wedding Material
In July 2016, I got married. By proposing, I gained my toughest client - my now wife. My brief was to "Just do stuff and show me."
So I made a save the date video:
Whether from watching Wolf Hall or too much Game of Thrones, my 'client' and I decided we wanted our reception to have long tables. This then led us to looking at the Illumination and Medieval eras. I hand drew each part of our invites, website, order of service and table names:

And just to be extra different, I also hand drew our personalised place mats which included the guests name and meal:

I've never had such a happy 'client'.
My brother-in-law
You can never say no to family. Well, you can but it opens a can of worms.
So anyway, while I worked on my wedding, he asked me to design his 30th birthday
invite. His theme was circus. I illustrated each part (8), scanned them in and built
the invite with Photoshop: I must have done something right because he asked to his illustrate his wedding invite:

I’m no Picasso but I enjoy a spot of painting...
“Lucy in the sky” -finger painting with acrylic

“Carnival” - finger painting with acrylic

Rob’s Bake Off
I really enjoying baking as I use it as an excuse to be creative. Could never be on Bake Off, though. I don’t follow recipes!
Dinosaur. When you cut the chicken open, Smarties poured out.

What comes after a chicken? Eggs of course. This tractor was tricky. Mainly the fondant icing.

I used to play for the South London Lions, a team of Aston Villa fans who live, funnily enough, in South London.
As a bit of fun for the team, I some Panini stickers with our faces on - probably most young football fans’ dream 😍️